The History Of Nike Ardilla

Raden Rara Nike Ratnadilla Kusnadi or Nike Ardilla (born in Bandung, West Java, December 27, 1975 – died in Bandung, West Java, 19 March 1995 at the age of 19 years) is an American singer, actress, model and Indonesia. He died on March 19, 1995 when a Honda Civic car dikendarainya hit the concrete in the way of Raden Eddy Martadinata Bandung.
Early career

Nike Ardilla is the girl's birth in Bandung on December 27, 1975 from the couple Raden Eddy Kusnadi and Nining Ningsihrat. Since childhood already begin this careerfollowing the singing festivals Cancun, until then he was discovered by music producer Deddy Dores. His music career in the entertainment world began.

In 1987, his mother purchased the Nike Ardilla Singers Musicians Set to Indonesia(HAPMI) Djadjat orphanage Paramor. There he met Natalie Pouch, singing teacher, and Deni Sabrie who later became her manager. Natalie Pouch and Deddy Dores became acquainted at Sabrie.

Deddy makes some songs for his first album entitled Rays Streak Nike sold more than 500,000 thousand copies. [3] Previous Deddy Dores also briefly unites with two Nike protege Deddy and Deni named Natalie Angels together Cut Irna and Lady Avisha.

The following year Nike released a second album entitled star of life extraordinary acclaim, and sold with a fantastic figure, namely two million units. The next Nike released the album that became a best seller. Nike Ardilla's career in the world of actingalso went smoothly. Nike play movie Kasmaran starring also Ida Iasya and Slamet Rahardjo, 1987.

And also being the main character in the movie Ricky Nakalnya young boy with the late Ryan Hidayat in 1990 and continued to give birth to a box office films throughout the period of the late 80 's and early 90 's. Nike Ardilla was also successful in several soap operas. In addition to the singer and movie star, Nike Ardilla also initiated his career as a model. Proven to be a winner at the Favourite cover girl 1990.


Since the album was released at the end of 1989, the name Nike Ardilla entered top-tier artists and correlation are taken into account. Deni Sabri Management is indeed preparing Nike Ardilla to be multi artist talents, beginning the formation of Nike Ardilla became the artist is indeed prepared to replace Cut Irna as a model, the famous Cannon Bellina's top movie stars, and rock diva ' 80s Nicky Astria.

So according to Deni, Nike is a blend of Nicky Astria, Bellina, Cannon and Cut Irna. Even before the album's success in the market, Nike is already involved in the production of some box office in its time and modeling related activities and shows in areas from Aceh to Papua. [5] 1990 is the beginning of the dominance of Nike Ardilla on the entertainment world in connection with a commercially successful album of the star of life, which sold 2,000,000 units. [need reference]

Proceed with the election of Nike Ardilla in Favorite cover girl in a very prestigiousmodel. Concert schedule for each full year, appearing at events and the selebritas award, starred in several box office movie, Star, [6] appeared on the cover of magazines, and so on. Nike Ardilla career might be somewhat short (1988-1995), only 6 years old. But in the short period of his career so brilliantly.

Not only in the field of music just Nike engaged, homeland film industry did not want to miss using Nike Ardilla as a main character in his films. Dozens of movie box office generated Nike, even regional bestseller film, Kabayan, Paramitha Rusady starring as the main female character, replaced by Nike Ardilla. Nike also briefly appeared in one of the high-rated soap opera direction Director Putu Wijaya's None, also along Paramitha Rusady. Dozens of ads have generated Nike Ardilla.


On 19 March 1995, at approximately 06:15 a.m. Nike Ardilla died in a singleaccident. Car Honda Civic Blue Metallic plate D 27 AK hit a concrete fence bak litterbug Raden Eddy Martadinata. Estimated Nike died immediately, but witnesses exist around the site kecelakan said Nike hasn't died when a new Genesis, on the way to hospital Nike died.

Nike suffered severe wounds in his head and bruises on his chest. Nike then sharedher manager Sofiatun,, has just returned from the disco Polo. Negative issues surrounding his death developed of which mention that Nike driving a car with a drunk, but then news that contradicted hard by the family and key witnesses of the accident.Sofiatun says Nike just drinking orange juice.

The result of the police not find mention of visum levels of alcohol in the body Nike.There are kesimpangsiuran about Nike Ardilla death time according to witnesses, the incident occurred at 3 am, but other witnesses said that the accident occurred at5.45 in the morning, an official report said that the time of the occurrence was at 06:15 am. Nike Ardilla was buried on the afternoon, escorted by thousands of fans, along with the artists. His death was horrendous entertainment world Indonesia, ditangisi fans who until a few days after his death still loyal was at the residence of the Nike Ardilla.

According to Atun with Nike was in the car, on the way home Nike driving a car it by not using a seat belt. The Nike car trying to overtake the car in front of the Red running very slowly. But when overtaking, a car appeared from the opposite directionTaft rode toned, Nike directly avoids the Taft and slammed the car's steering is too to the left so that crashed into a tree and slammed into the concrete fence directly bouncing bak trash in private business offices on the road RE. Martadinata, and Nikebreathed her breathing his last.

He died at a time when his popularity is being culminated. Even though it has a Nike Ardilla died But Still productive issued the album, though the album still the same,just change the cover only. Tremendous success that written through the album Star Deddy Dores, making Life apply the same formula to the next album, turn on the fire. Arguably the song hero on the album turn it on Fire in the theme and the progress of her song is similar to the song the star of life.

As a result, this album is the best-selling sweet on the market and sold reaches 1.7 million copies. The album was supported by many famous musicians of his era. Call it Ikang Fawzi, Deddy Dhukun, Doddy Lesmana, Teddy Allen Dommy, Riady and Dix.Although not as horrendous as the sales figures of the album Stars of life but the album was still reaching BASF AWARD as best-selling pop rock album in 1991.

The song turn on Fire sounds in which the majority of the charts and on the radio. [7] during the history of the entertainment world Indonesia exists, only Nike Ardilla artist only the highest veneration in which each date of his birth and death are always celebrated.

Post death

Dean of the Faculty of Asian studies at the National University of Australia doing research on habit of Javanese people who make pilgrimage. And respect is usually done to the Javanese Muslim holy men as guardians of Songo. And look at the reverence and a lot of the evidence, the only Nike Ardilla notable people born in pop culturewho have or have had respect on a par with the Trustees of the Songo-born cultureGamelan.

Each year even to the death of a 15-year Nike Ardilla, thousands of people have been doing pilgrimages either everyday or every date of death and date of birth as Nike Ardilla. Then it can be mentioned if only Nike Ardilla self-evident brilliance of pop culture. Where since early in his career, various posters Nike adorn public spaces, be it tv, busescafes, schoolsand so on.

Even after his death the pun of the name Nike Ardilla still fill the public spaces. The proof, the sanctuaries was established as if Nike Ardilla if consecrate is the hero andthe new figures of this age, Nike Ardilla resto and Gallery built to her memory in West Sulawesi and South Sulawesi. Like the museum, the mausoleum is always crowded all circles. Not wrong if George Quinn consecrate Nike Ardilla equivalent to the Trustees. 15 years of his death are still able to fill public spaces. 