Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach was a great musician from Germany which is famous as a composer, organist, violinist, and "harpsichord" (ancient-piano-red.), at the beginning of the 18th century. He is the composer of the Baroque era in the best and is the most influential figures in classical music. "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring", "Christmas Oratorio, and" Passion According to St. Matthew "is the magnitude of the works of the famous until today in ecclesiastical music. Born March 21, 1685 in Thuringia, Germany, this is the 8th child of Johann Ambrosius and Maria Elisabeth Lämmerhirt, the family of great musicians.

At the age of 10 years, Bach has become an orphan and lived with his eldest brotherfamily, Johann Christoph Bach, a church organist in Ohrdruf. He then gives a furthermusic education to Bach and register it in a local school. Bach lived with his brother's family up to 15 years old.

Thanks to the beauty of the sound of soprannya, at the age of 14, Bach gets a scholarship at the prestigious St. Michael's school in Lüneburg. There, he studied the organ and instrument "harpsichord". It is believed that while in Lüneburg, Bach had the opportunity to visit the Church of St. John and listening to the game (probably also played) the Church's famous organ, played by Georg Böhm, a leading organists, which was then much influenced Bach.

Early Career

Graduate school in 1703, Bach got his first job as an accompanist musician in the Palace Chapel of Duke Johann Ernst in Weimar. There, he played violin or organ at certain times.

Bach's reputation as a player's music grew, and its technical skill a great help him get a position as organist at St. Boniface's Church in Arnstadt. He is responsible for playing music in worship services and special events, as well as provide music instruction and train choir. As a young man who is independent, and sometimes arrogant, Bach did not get along well with her students. Because of that, he got a reprimand from church officials for not quite often trained his disciples.

Bach then go leave his job for a few months, in 1705-1706, although officially only received a few weeks leave of absence from church. He visited a great organist and composer, Dieterich Buxtehude, North of the city of Lübeck. Quickly, the style of Buxtehude influential on the early works of Bach.

In 1707, Bach left the Arnstadt to take a position as organist at the Church of St. Blaise in Mühlhausen, which makes it gets improved significantly, as well as honor the improvement of conditions and a better chorus. Later, Bach's musical style at odds with the Church's pastor. Bach created a complex setting, and he delighted in arranging different melodic line together. Meanwhile, the Ministry believes that church music is music that is simple. One of Bach's most famous works from this period is theCantata "Gottes Zeit ist die Allerbeste Zeit" (God's Time is the best--red.) also known as "Actus Tragicus".

Work for the Palace

A year later, Bach returned to the Court of Duke Wilhelm Ernst in Weimar to accepta position as organist, until it finally becomes Music Director in the year 1714. He wrote many church cantatas and some of his best compositions for the instrument organ. During his time in Weimar, Bach wrote "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor". He alsocompiled a Cantata "Herz und Mund und Tat" (heart and Mouth and deed). One part of this Cantata, called "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" in the language of the United Kingdom, became very popular. Bach's Lutheran faith turned out to be much influenced his musical works for the Church.

In 1717, Bach received the position of Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cöthen. However, Duke Wilhelm Ernst let Bach didn't want to go, even imprisoning him for several weeks when Bach tried to go. In early December, by Bach was released and he was allowed to go into the Cöthen. On the other hand, Prince Leopold was a musician who really appreciate the talent and ability of Bach, who pay him well and give him a big enough space in the work, as well as doing the show. Prince Leopold was a Calvinistand not using an elaborate music in his worship. Therefore, most of the work from this period of Bach's secular nature.

It usually consists of three parts, which is usually a solo instrument [e.g., piano, violin, violoncello, flute or] accompanied by Orchestra--red.) for Orchestra, music fordance, and the sonata (a piece of paper that is played as a comparison of the cantatas--red.) for some instruments. He also wrote several pieces for solo instruments, including some of his best works of the violin. Sekulernya music composition still reflects a deep faith commitment. Bach often write initials INJ for Latin In Nomine Jesu, or "in the name of Jesus," in the music sheets.

In honour of the Duke of Brandenburg, creating a series of concertos Bach Orchestra, which later became known as the "Brandenburg Concerto". In 1721, the Concertois considered the largest portion by Bach. Bach completed the first book of "The Well-Temepered Clavier" around this time.

Jobs in Leipzig

In 1723, Bach signed a contract to become Music Director and teacher at St. Thomas's Church, Leipzig. He was asked to teach beryanyi to the pupils in the school St. Thomas church music and preparing for the main churches in Leipzig. With new musicthat is needed for the service of worship each week, Bach cantatas are positioning themselves to write. The "Christmas Oratorio" forward is a set of six cantatas that reflect the times of Christmas.

Bach also created a musical interpretation of the Bible by using chorus, solos, recitatives and (delivery style in Cantata, oratorio, opera-or-red.). During the first 6 years in Leipzig (1723-1729), Bach's composition most impressive is his sacred cantatas-cantatas (four yearly seasons), and "St. John and St. Matthew Passions". These works are believed to be the work of "love", and "Passion According to St. Matthew" is the most famous. The composition of this music, which was written around the year 1727 or 1729, tell the story in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 26 and 27. This work was shown as part of the good Friday worship.

One of the major work in spiritual music is the "Mass in B Minor." In 1733, he has developed a section of his play, known as the Kyrie and the Gloria. He presented themanuscript of his play to the King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania, and in front of the community of Saxony. Bach then complete it by adding Credo (confession of faith--red.), Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.

Last Years

In 1740, Bach's struggle with his sight, but he continued to work despite having trouble with his eyes. Under such conditions, Bach remains to travel and live music, as well as the visit of Frederick the great, King of Prussia in 1747. He played music for the King and created a new musical composition there. When he returned to Leipzig, Bach refine his work and gave Frederick a series "fugue" (contrapuntal compositionthat introduces a short phrase or melody then respectively taken by others and developed with weaves its parts) called "Musical Offering".

In 1749, Bach started a new composition called "The Art of Fugue," but he could notfinish his work. She tried to fix her vision with surgery the next year, but instead ended up with blindness. Later that year, Bach suffered a stroke. He died at Leipzig on 28 July 1750.

During his life, Bach is better known as a composer rather than Organists. In music, he is an expert in applying and maintaining different emotions. He is also an expertstoryteller who often use melody to suggest actions or events. In his works, Bach pulling different musical styles from all over Europe, including France and Italy. The composition of the music of Bach is still admired by those who follow in his footsteps, including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. His reputation received the award in the year 1829, when Felix Mendelssohn composer Germany reintroduced by Bach's "Passion According to St. Matthew."

Personal Life

In 1706, Bach was married to his cousin, Maria Barbara Bach. The couple had seven children, three of whom died in infancy. When Bach Central travel with Prince Leopold in the year 1720, Maria suddenly died. A year later, Bach married a singer named Anna Magdalena Wülcken soprano who was 17 years younger. They had 13 children, but only six of them survived until adulthood.

Bach's sons inherited the blood artists music from his father and grandfather-their grandfather. Some of his children to follow in the footsteps of Bach as a great musician and composer. Two children from his first marriage, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, the composer became important in the music world.While the children from her second marriage, Gottfried Heinrich, Johann ChristophFriedrich and Johann Christian, also became an influential musicians in the world ofmusic.