Nikki Sixx Laments Surge in Heroin Use

Nikki Sixx Laments Surge in Heroin Use
Nikki Sixx, a recovering addict, can’t help but worry about the nation’s growing heroin problem. He knows just what users are facing.

“You’re going to die, or you’re gonna get clean,” Sixx recently said on his radio show Sixx Sense (via Rockfeed). “And if you’re listening to this right now and you’re an addict, I’m telling you you’re gonna die if you don’t get clean. And I’m telling you if you’re not using drugs and you ever thought about it, you’re gonna get ’em and you’re gonna die.”

The Motley Crue alum is particularly troubled by the recent practice of mixing heroin with fentanyl, a synthetic opioid pain medication. The results have been catastrophic, as eight died over just one weekend earlier this month in Akron, Ohio, after dosing on this toxic mixture.

“That’s what Prince died from,” Sixx noted. “And carfentanil is like an elephant tranquilizer, for large animals, and 40 percent of Ohio’s overdoses is attributed to this. What [drug] dealers are doing is they’re taking heroin and they’re cutting it with fentanyl to give it a little extra kick.”
Sixx, who wrote a book titled The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star, is well aware of how difficult it is to extricate yourself from the drug.

“When you’re addicted, it’s exactly that — you’re addicted; you have to have it,” he said. “The only way out is through death or through withdrawal. You’re a drug addict. You’re not thinking rationally. You go back to the dealer who gives you the best price and gives you the best dope. And you always say, ‘I’m gonna quit tomorrow,’ and tomorrow never comes. … Next thing you know, you’re f—ing dead. Don’t do it.”

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