The history of the creation of the legendary band METALLICA

Metallica, that's how the world called him bands that fall into the Underground scene in the early 1980s, Metallica is the band mainstream giants of the time, with a terrible album sales reached 57 million copies in the U.S. and number 35 million pieces for outside America really powerful performance and exceptional. Metallica was first in Los Angeles United States set up under the name The Young Metal Attack. A few months later, the group was renamed Metallica is probably a combination Word vodca and metal. The name Metallica itself is actually a proposed name for a music magazine that was stolen by Lars Ulrich before the magazine was named.
The history of the creation of the legendary band METALLICA

The early history of the band started in 1981 by Lars Ulrich drummer and guitarist / vocalist James Hetfield in California. bassist Ron McGovny later merged and followed by Dave Mustaine. McGovney left the band after a conflict with Mustaine and his position is replaced Cliff Burton. The nature of the aggressive and Mustaine are often concerned about drug and alcohol resulted fired into him by Ulrich and Hetfield. Position filled Kirk Hammett (former guitarist in Exodus), a pupil of Joe Satriani. After a leave from the band, Mustaine later form Megadeth. The band gets its name, while Ulrich invited promoter Metal San Francisco, named Ron Quintana, to help with choosing a name from the list to be used as the name of its new magazine. In the list there is the name Metallica. Ulrich Metal Mania proposed mejalah Quintana and Metallica opted for a new band he represents. Along with Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax, Metallica is one of the four digits of the thrash metal of the fourth band in the 1980s in a giant metal on his time with his skill and his trademark.

The first album "Kill 'em All" released in 1983 Megaforce business together. This first album was an example of the basic sound of Metallica for the era of the 1980s with distinctive vocals and heavy rhythms of Hetfield. In this first album debut yg, vocalnya James Hetfield still loud, shrill and teriakanya not heavy yet, so the outside feels more "Trash". For the listener "beginners" in the world of metal songs on this album can be may be smaller, but the melody is usually in number Motorbreath, jumped into the fire and Seek and Destroy made very tasty "head banger". The songs on the album "Kill 'em All" quickly with the game Guitar gebukan drums Lars and Kirk are generally very prominent.

In 1984, Metallica released their second album yg yg bertitle "Ride the Lightning". Interest in the album ... there's an instrumental song titled "The Call of Ktulu" and the song "Slow" on "Fade to Black" which her rhythm feels different than other Metallica songs wrote. But overall, the songs on this second album of YG still featured the guitar gebukan drums and fast response driven by a loud whoop accompanied by a singer. The third album entitled "Application of Puppets" was released in 1985 after previously signed a contract with Elektra Records. The songs on this album, despite its more NSE thrash out the previous two albums but "tasty" didengerin and digumakan make musical jamming "head banger". Kirk Hammett guitar game so fierce in this album, his cries si James Hetfield also makin heavy-driven and gebukan drums Lars Ulrich feels faster stamping but cabikan his bass Cliff Burton not visible because it is covered with amazement, guitar Kirk.

Metallica flag at half mast when on tour in Europe in 1986 when, as a result of Metallica bassist Cliff Burton grieving died in Sweden in kecelakan bus after Cliff's position was replaced by bassist Jason Newstead. Enter the tahun1988 they make "... And Justice for All" with music that is more complex than the previous album. ... And justice for all nominated for a Grammy for Best Hard Rock / Metal Performance vocal or instrument, but the Grammy Awards and fell into the hands of Jethro Tull. The following year won a new Metallica Grammy Awards. The award which is then dragged into the "One" video continuously played by MTV.

The album titled "Metallica" is often called The Black Album was released in 1991 with an audience that is much broader. The album reached number one on Billboard and was certified platinum within a few weeks. The album's most popular album of Metallica was and hit "Enter Sandman" by Metallica songs are the most famous. And even became a must for Metallica fans. Click the "Load" (1996) and "Reload" (1997), pace was soon replaced by metal showing a bluesy guitar, play slide guitar and steel guitar, hurdy gurdy hurdy gurdy and violin. Some fans criticized them as Poptalica, Alter Nica and even Lica alone. For the next album, simply

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